Reunion Times

Let your voice be heard!

What events would you attend and at what time of year.  Please vote below for the time of year you would be more likely to attend the reunion. 


NOTE:  I had worded the question as during our 40 year celebration only meaning that we can celebrate it all year.   The question regarding a trip would be at another time separate from the reunion.  If we have enough interest, I would be happy to set up a trip that our class could go on together. 

You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

1)   Would you like to have reunion activities for a homecoming and summer date?

Yes No
2)   Reunion set at homecoming only

Yes No
3)   Reunion set in summertime only

Yes No
4)   Would anyone be interested in a tropical getaway or a cruise in addition to our 40 year celebration? Please NOTE: This would be an extra event not in place of the reunion event.

Yes No